Honey Onyx

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Honey Onyx Marble Slab

Honey Onyx Marble slab is a popular marble known for its striking appearance and vibrant colors. It features a translucent property that allows light to pass through, creating a beautiful effect when backlit. Honey Onyx Marble slab typically has a warm color palette, ranging from shades of yellow to orange and amber.

Honey Onyx Marble Slab Price

Pedra Marmol’s natural onyx starts from Rs 550 Per Square Feet.

Product Honey Onyx
Price Contact us for best price of Honey Onyx.
Slab Sizes Being natural stone, they come in variable sizes. Get in touch with us for your specific requirement and we will assist you to our level best!
Thickness Being natural stone, the thickness of onyx varies from 18 to 20mm.
Applications Interiors (natural onyx is primarily used and recommended for interiors only), Flooring and Wall Cladding, Table Tops, Bar and other Countertops.
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